Ready to start making positive changes in your life?
Reading the Preamble may help to remind yourself why recovery is important to you. The Welcome to CoDA pamphlet is filled with CoDA Foundational materials, including the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and the Patterns and Characteristics of Codependency. The Twelve Promises reminds us that there is hope by Working the Program.
CoDA Literature
These resources are CoDA conference approved* and available at for you!
Find the following pamphlets and many more HERE.
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Other Resources
The following are potentially helpful resources to aid in recovery. These resources are not CoDA conference approved.*
To let go of feelings, an emotion needs to be felt, but there are times when that emotion may not be clear.
Pinpointing an emotion through the confusion, to bring it to the surface to be felt, whether powerful or nearly silent, this Feelings Wheel may help bring a voice to that emotion.
Feelings go "hand-in-hand" with an experience, be it pride, loneliness, joy, awkwardness, or a wealth of others.
At times, those feelings may seem to conflict with the experience, or those feelings may change as the experience is viewed with gained incite.
Use the What’s Underneath PDF (Identifying Feelings) sheet to assist in identifying the positive and negative feelings associated with an experience.
Our daily challenges can cause the focus on our mental health to be "put on the back burner", making it easy to forget that our individual well-being should be a priority, and crucial for recovery in CoDA.
The Prioritizing Self-Care worksheet is intended to help you shine a light on the factors that are keeping you from making you a priority.
CoDA Fellowship Resources And Tools
These tools were created by local CoDA fellowship members. These tools are not endorsed by CoDA.*
“I found myself going through the Patterns and Characteristics every year and checking the same boxes, regardless of what progress I made, because at the end of the day, I still struggled in my recovery within those same patterns. I wanted something that I could use to acknowledge my improvements (and something I could color in), so I created a progress tracker from the Recovery Patterns of Codependence.”
*If you’d like to learn more about CoDA Conference Approved materials, please keep reading below.
As you work the program of Co-Dependents Anonymous, you will discover that reading books, and other literature are helpful tools to aid you in your recovery. Not all books that discuss codependency are endorsed by Co-Dependents Anonymous.
Endorsed literature has been written by CoDA members for CoDA members in accordance with the Twelve Traditions of CoDA. Approved literature can be purchased online here: CoDA Approved Books, Booklets, and Pamphlets.
Some commonly used materials are the “Blue Book”, aka the Co-Dependents Anonymous book and the "Green Workbook", aka The Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions Workbook.
The purpose and use of CoDA Conference Approved literature and the CoDA Foundational Documents is to maintain CoDA’s message of recovery and holding true that CoDA are peers supporting peers, not professionals.
There are many books, other literature, and podcasts about codependency or its many aspects out there for you to discover!
Local CoDA members may have recommendations to offer that have assisted them in their own unique journey of self-awareness.
These pages may not have been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc.